Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trip to Auckland

Hey team!
Here are the photos from our trip to Auckland last week. We stayed with our friends Stacey and Tim who are starting a new Zeal youth centre and Blueprint church in West Auckland. Weather was alot warmer than Wellington and we had two lovely visits to beaches, Bethals Beach on the west coast (with "Romi" our friends' hyperactive doggie!) and also Snells beach on the east coast about 1 and a half hours north of Auckland. We caught up with Graham, Renee and Keenan on saturday which was awesome; I got my first Keenan initiated huggie!! He was also quite taken with my sunglasses case!

Monday, October 1, 2007

correction to last post

sorry, got my photo numbers mixed up! Here is the photo of our purchase of the year. That photo of me dressed up as a cowgirl was for our 'Americana' day at school. Sorry bout that!